The Angle, back pain upper left side pillow - Back Support Systems

The Angle, back pain upper left side pillow - Back Support Systems

Price: $ 44.99


It’s time to end your back pain. Clinically proven to be effective. The Angle is guaranteed to help reduce back pain. Leaving you supported and relaxed. Reduces the discomfort of lower back pain due to herniated or bulging disc, arthritis, edema, phlebitis, sciatica. Eases aching muscles and improves circulation. Provides immediate comfort while reclining or sleeping. Creates deep peace and well-being. The Angle has two U.S. Patents and is designed for those suffering from back and body pains. The Angle diminishes pain while it supports the structural integrity of the spine, reducing pressure on muscles and discs, allowing passive traction using the weight of your body. Its a excellent back assist. The Angle has and continues to successfully help millions of people suffering from lower back problems, including herniated or bulging discs, muscle spasms, strain, tension, fatigue, everyday stress, and other

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