Zildjian Gig Drum Rug

Zildjian Gig Drum Rug

Price: $ 49.50


The Zildjian Gig Drum Rug is ideal for smaller drum and electronic drum sets and confined spaces. Designed to keep your kit in place, this rug is made of a heavy-duty polypropylene fabric with a non-skid rubber trim and has a thick, covered foam bass drum stopper. The rug easily rolls up and fits in the nylon carrying bag, so you can bring it with you wherever you need to go.


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Drum Rug, Road Runner RRDR1

Designed for stability and easy transportation Made of heavy-duty polypropylene fabric and non-skid rubber trim with nylon carry case Charcoal gray


Zildjian ZGIGRUG Zildjian Gig Drum Rug


Zildjian - Gig Drum Rug (ZGIGRUG)(Drum Equipment)(Drum Rug)


The Tama Tdrpa Drum Rug


Zildjian Gig Drum Rug Drum Center Of Portsmouth

The world's best-selling drum rug is designed to keep your kit in place. Heavy-duty black polypropylene fabric provides sturdy anchoring for spurs and stands, and an additional wood barrier is located at the edge to help keep the bass drum firmly in place.


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ZILDJIAN GIG DRUM RUG - #6775604 - su Mercatino Musicale in Altri Accessori per Batteria


Zildjian Company - Introducing our new Gig Drum Rugs, ideal for smaller acoustic and electronic drum sets and small spaces. Comes with a nylon carrying case making for easy transportation and storage.