Nourison Rug Gripper RUGP1 Black Area Rug

Nourison Rug Gripper RUGP1 Black Area Rug

Price: $ 10.00


Nourison's 8 piece Firm Grip Anti- Slip corner squares are great for any rugs. Just press and stick so your rugs wont slip or curl at the ends. Keep your area rug in its place. For use on all floors washable and reusable. Tacky grip technology leaves no messy residue. Can be used on Hardwood Tile and Linoleum floors.,350_QL80_.jpg

Nourison Essentials Indoor/Outdoor Black 9' x 12' Area Rug, Easy Cleaning, Non Shedding, Bed Room, Living Room, Dining Room, Backyard, Deck, Patio (9x12) : Patio, Lawn & Garden

Nourison Grafix Modern Plaid Cream/Black 3'9 x 5'9 Area Rug, (4' x 6')

Nourison Essentials Indoor/Outdoor Black Ivory 5' x 7' Area Rug, (5x7)

EASY TO APPLY: Fold the area rug over to display the backing. On the corners of the rug apply the rug gripper. By pressing the rug gripper on the

Nourison Rug Gripper Black SET8 Rug Pad (Set of 8)

Busy, active lifestyles demand fuss-free decor, and this outdoor rug collection has it all. Nourison Essentials area rugs give you everything you want, and more. These handsome, solid color and patterned area rugs are crafted for rugged performance, but never sacrifice style for function. With a low-cut pile, each Essentials rug is designed to withstand heavy traffic, including kids and pets.

Nourison Essentials 5' x 7' Ivory/Black Contemporary Rug

Nourison - Opaline OPA12 Black and Blue 9'9 x 13'9 Oversized Rug - OPA12-99446354679

Nourison Seaglass Tahoe Area Rug - TA13 These distinctive hand-knotted rugs feature alluring tribal designs in a wide range of earth tones. Each rug is made exclusively from pure hand-spun wool and enhanced with a special wash to create a beautiful, subtle patina. Make a bold statement and add warmth to any room instantly.

Nourison Tahoe Black Area Rug TA08 7'9 x 9'9

Nourison 2000 2028 6' Round Black Area Rug

Nourison Essentials Indoor/Outdoor Black 6' x 9' Area Rug, (6x9)

Busy, active lifestyles demand fuss-free decor, and this outdoor rug collection has it all. Nourison Essentials area rugs give you everything you want, and more. These handsome, solid color and patterned area rugs are crafted for rugged performance, but never sacrifice style for function. With a low-cut pile, each Essentials rug is designed to withstand heavy traffic, including kids and pets.

Nourison Essentials 5' x 7' Ivory/Black Contemporary Rug

Nourison - 2000 2028 Black 7'6 x 9'6 OVAL Area Rug - 2028-99446861566

Rug Pads by Nourison

Nourison Grafix Modern Plaid Cream/Black 3'9 x 5'9 Area Rug, (4' x 6'),600_.jpg

Nourison Essentials Indoor/Outdoor Black 8' x 10' Area Rug, Easy Cleaning, Non Shedding, Bed Room, Living Room, Dining Room, Backyard, Deck, Patio (8x10) : Patio, Lawn & Garden