Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Rug

Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Rug

Price: $ 12.00


Have enchanted adventures on this charming and colorful sturdy play rug. Durably made to look great for countless playtimes to come, the woven rug (approximately 39 inches by 36 inches) with a skid-proof backing comes with four wooden play pieces (prince, princess, wheeled carriage, unicorn). The rug features details like a castle, river, roads, flower gardens, bridges, and more to give many options for creative play.

Bring to life the prehistoric giants who walked the earth millions of years ago with this sturdy, colorful dinosaur play rug. Durably made to look great for countless playtimes to come, the woven rug with a skid-proof backing comes with four flocked dinosaur figures (T-Rex, Triceratops, Stegosaurus, Apatosaurus) and features details like a bubbling volcano, waterfall, river, a cool cave, jungle, and grassland to give many options for creative play.

Melissa & Doug - Prehistoric Playground Dinosaur Rug

Engage your children with important family conversations about feelings and challenge their brains with memory-stretching fun! follow along with max the hedgehog's sunny and stormy day with a beautifully illustrated picture book. Then use your memory skills to find the sunny and stormy matches from the story, and share about the highs and lows of your own day with the sun, cloud, and rainbow sharing tiles.

Peaceable Kingdom Snug As A Bug in A Rug Game

Get ready to skidoo into Blues neighborhood with this soft and sturdy rug, Blues Clues & You! wooden play figures, and a wheeled wooden School Bus! The 44-inch by 26-inch rug is made from durable material thats machine washable. The skid-proof backing is safe on all floor surfaces, and a reinforced border binding prevents fraying.

Melissa & Doug Blues Clues & You! Blue's Neighborhood Activity Rug

Melissa & Doug Round The City Rescue Rug & Vehicle Set – Little

Bring to life the prehistoric giants who walked the earth millions of years ago with this sturdy, colorful dinosaur play rug! Durably made to look

Prehistoric Playground Dinosaur Rug,1000_QL80_.jpg

Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Activity Rug Play Set

Have enchanted adventures on this charming and colorful sturdy play rug. Durably made to look great for countless playtimes to come, the woven rug (approximately 39 inches by 36 inches) with a skid-proof backing comes with four wooden play pieces (prince, princess, wheeled carriage, unicorn). The rug features details like a castle, river, roads, flower gardens, bridges, and more to give many options for creative play.

Melissa & Doug Magical Kingdom Rug

Engage your children with important family conversations about feelings and challenge their brains with memory-stretching fun! follow along with max the hedgehog's sunny and stormy day with a beautifully illustrated picture book. Then use your memory skills to find the sunny and stormy matches from the story, and share about the highs and lows of your own day with the sun, cloud, and rainbow sharing tiles.

Peaceable Kingdom Snug As A Bug in A Rug Game

Jumbo Checker Rug Game : Target

Melissa & Doug Round The Site Construction Truck Rug, Color: Multi

Melissa & Doug Round The Site Construction Truck Rug, Color: Multi

Get ready to skidoo into Blues neighborhood with this soft and sturdy rug, Blues Clues & You! wooden play figures, and a wheeled wooden School Bus! The 44-inch by 26-inch rug is made from durable material thats machine washable. The skid-proof backing is safe on all floor surfaces, and a reinforced border binding prevents fraying.

Melissa & Doug Blues Clues & You! Blue's Neighborhood Activity Rug