MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Bath Rug

MacKenzie-Childs Courtly Check Bath Rug

Price: $ 49.99


Handcrafted cotton bath rug. Pieces may vary due to the handmade nature of each product. Machine wash cold on the delicate cycle. Tumble dry low. Shake out to retain fluffiness. Trim loose ends with scissors. Imported.

Just one step onto the thick, luxurious pile of bath rugs is all it takes. So soft underfoot it's almost therapeutic. Let your feet melt into a bath rug after an evening soak in the tub and feel the hustle-and-bustle pressures of the everyday dissolve away.

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Just one step onto the thick, luxurious pile of bath rugs is all it takes. So soft underfoot it's almost therapeutic. Let your feet melt into a bath rug after an evening soak in the tub and feel the hustle-and-bustle pressures of the everyday dissolve away.

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