Luxe Weavers Modern Shag Geometric Area Rug, Brown 5x7

Luxe Weavers Modern Shag Geometric Area Rug, Brown 5x7

Price: $ 126.00


The Luxe Weavers Modern Shag Geometric Area Rug is uniquely designed to make a difference on every floor. It creates a design statement in your living

Create the right ambiance and add that missing touch of class and luxury to your interior decor with this top-quality Luxe Weavers Modern Geometric Multi 5x7 Area Rug. Crafted by expert Turkish Artisans, heres a premium polypropylene rug with anti-dust properties, soft textures, non-shed, and non-fade prints. It is safe for kids and pets and suitable for various areas of your home, like your foyer, kitchen, walkway, and dining area.

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Introduce a cozy ambiance to your living room with this plush geometric patterned shag rug. The Luxe Weavers Lantanas Brown Shag Geometric Area Rug

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The Luxe Weavers modern Shag Geometric Area Rug completely redefines your living space with its unique swirl design. Crafted by Turkish artisans,

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The Luxe Weavers Geometric Fringed Shag Area Rug is ideal for low and high-traffic areas and is easy to clean and maintain. It features exquisite

Luxe Weavers Geometric Fringed Shag Gray 5x7 Area Rug

Luxe Weavers Lantanas Collection 7072 Brown 8x10 Modern Shag Geometric Area Rug

Use this contemporary shag rug to effortlessly pull off a modern décor design in your living room. Its stylish circular patterns and a range of color

Luxe Weavers Shag Geometric Area Rug, Modern, Stain Resistant, Easy Indoor Rugs for Bedroom, Living Room, Turquoise 5x7

Luxe Weavers Victoria Collection 3895 Blue 2x3 Modern Abstract Area Rug - Luxe Weavers 3895 Blue 2x3 Our 3895 blue abstract rug selection of elegant, exquisite, beautifully modern rugs to add the perfect finishing touch to your living room, dining room, bedroom or any other area in your home. Affordable and refined, our finely crafted area rugs span a wide array of sizes, shapes, materials, color schemes and designs.

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Rugs by Luxe Weavers − Now: Shop at $19.99+