4 x 6 Silk Area Rug Rust, Kashmir Silk Rug

4 x 6 Silk Area Rug Rust, Kashmir Silk Rug

Price: $ 691.00


Our Rust Kashan is meticulously handwoven by skilled artisans and it has taken them almost 6 months to weave it. This handmade Kashan design in Pure Kashmir silk will enlighten any room it is placed in..
Rust Kashan 4 X 6 feet Silk Carpets India Area rug - This is Kashan design which has extremely detailed craftsmanship. - This Queen Rust Kashan is one of its kind and would luxury to any room it is placed in. - This is a Handmade Kashmir Pure Silk on Cotton rug. - This rug is Handmade in cotton base and has pure Kashmir Silk on top. - This rug has 324 knots per square inch. - It has a dual layered ivory rust floral border with intricately woven design. - The design has been originated from a town in Persia and is called Kashan. - Rugsandbeyond's recommendation is to place this rug in a less traffic area or a formal space in the house. - This is washable and highly durable. Clean & Care: Vacuum regularly in the direction of the pile. To clean the liquid spills, use a damp cloth or sponge immediately. It is recommended to have professional rug cleaning for the hard to remove stains. Avoid direct and continuous exposure to sunlight for longer periods. All of our rugs are professionally washed and are individually inspected before leaving our warehouse. This rug is currently in stock and includes FREE shipping worldwide. Please Note: We try our best to display the most accurate images. If there is a slight variation in color, it might be due to differences in computer monitors. Please note that lengths and widths may slightly vary from published dimensions although we strive to provide the accurate measurements possible.


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